Listen to Nature Part 4
February 13, 2022
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Please note: This registration is for the fourth session of a 4-part outdoor meditation series. This session takes place Sunday, Feb. 13 at sunset (we’ll meet 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.). As Listen to Nature is designed as a comprehensive series, we recommend you participate in all four sessions. If this is not possible, you can register for individual sessions; all are offered free of charge. (The software requires a separate registration for each session; we hope to remedy that in the future.)
The answer can be found
In the natural beauty
Of Mother Earth.” –Sri Chinmoy
About the Listen to Nature Outdoor Meditation Series
This free series is based on the book Listen to Nature by Sri Chinmoy (with foreword by Jane Goodall). Purchase of the book is suggested but not required for participation in this free workshop. (You can buy the $13.00 book at Noble Learning, Jyoti-Bihanga or elsewhere.)
Each session features guided meditation as well as time for silent reflection, reading or journaling. Some of the sessions involve contemplation in action–walking meditation, easy nature hiking, etc. These non-strenuous classes are suitable for anyone who is able to move around outdoors–everyone can walk at their own pace and some part of each session is seated.
How to Join: This series features four distinct meditation workshops, each in a different outdoor venue in the San Diego area. Once you register, you’ll receive further details via email, including exact location for each session. (Please note there may be a delay in receiving these details, as the Info Sheet is sent manually, not automatically.) The sessions for this current series will be held on Sunday afternoons; each lasts 60-80 minutes. Any questions? Email us at info@noblelearning.com
At the conclusion of the series, participants who’ve attended all sessions will receive a Certification of Completion, a Listen to Nature Skill Sheet to help you practice the meditations on your own in the future, and a small reward from Noble Learning and Jyoti-Bihanga Vegetarian Restaurant! (The Skill Sheet will be available to anyone who has participated in at least one session.)
Session 1: Peace
Let nature inspire you.
(Sunday, Jan. 16 at 3:00 p.m.) In this session located at a Peace Garden you’ll participate in guided meditation and use simple techniques to help you connect with nature’s peace even in a busy city environment. We’ll complete 3 different meditation exercises and you’ll also have time to either silently meditate longer or complete a brief journaling activity.
Session 2: Oneness
Gather energy from nature
(Sunday, Jan. 30 at 3:00 p.m.) This session features seated visualization exercises and a brief walking meditation next to a beautiful lake. You’ll be given guidance, breathing exercises and simple mantras for this contemplation-in-action class. (You can walk at your own pace; there is no distance requirement for the walking meditation activity.)
Session 3: Transformation
Receive nature’s message
(Sunday, Feb. 6 at 3:00 p.m.) As you complete a nature hike, you’ll reflect on what you might do to strengthen your affinity with the natural world–for your own well-being and that of the planet. The meditation techniques in this session focus on self-awareness, spiritual receptivity and personal goal-setting.
Session 4: Hope
Accept nature’s encouragement
(Sunday, Feb. 13 at 4:30 p.m.) During this sunset meditation, you’ll utilize visualization to experience nature’s beauty and power mirrored in your own spiritual heart. You’ll also contemplate how to carry forward your inspiration with a simple, powerful daily meditation practice.
How will you benefit from participation in the Listen to Nature series?
These meditation exercises and the collective outdoor experiences can strengthen our ability to live in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the natural world. You’ll learn helpful techniques for stress management, habit change, and spiritual contentment. Plus, you’ll get a great dose of fresh air! The companion book (Listen to Nature by Sri Chinmoy) is an illuminating and ultimately hopeful guide for taking a spiritual approach to challenges that affect all humanity–such as the environmental crisis and divisive worldviews.
“Nature’s beauty
Teaches optimism
To the aspiring heart.”
—Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy (1931–2007)
About the Instructors
The Listen to Nature meditation series draws from the recently published book of the same name–an anthology of Sri Chinmoy’s prose and poetry on nature and humanity’s collective responsibility to respect Mother Earth. The various meditation exercises, activities and reflection questions featured in the class series also derive from other spiritual writings by Sri Chinmoy. The creator of the course is Vasudha Deming, an instructional designer, facilitator, and founder of Noble Learning. Other experienced meditation instructors are also involved in the facilitation of the classes.
For further information, please email info@noblelearning.com
Venue: Outdoor Venue
Each session takes place in a different natural location in the San Diego area.