A corporate vision statement is a powerful tool to communicate the strategic direction of your organization to your employees, customers and stakeholders. It describes the way forward to a goal that your organization can reach, provided that all members of the team are invested in the vision and understand what’s expected of them.
According to a Harvard Business Review study, however, nearly 70 percent of employees do not understand their company’s strategy, which can lead to poor decision-making, and a lack of motivation in the work place.
Personal Vision Statements Fortify Corporate Strategies
The creation of a personal vision statement for each employee can be a key factor centromedicorelaxesalute.it in the organization’s progress toward its overall mission.
When employees and managers understand the impact of their own contributions, there’s a higher likelihood that their work is more purpose-driven, focused and productive.
A personal vision statement fortifies the overall vision by giving each employee a mission that is unique to his or her own job role and sphere of influence.
Vision ignites productivity
By developing a personal vision statement to support the corporate vision, employees can be more consciously connected to the core aspirations of the company. This can ignite innovation, engagement, motivation and purpose-driven work.
For more information about how Noble Learning can help your employees create a personal vision statement, submit a Contact Request at www.noblelearning.com